August 19, 2007

Rover Raffle for the Defense

We're pleased to officially announce that we'll be raffling off one of the Republican Party corporate stretch vans to raise money towards Karl's impending defense*. Desperate times call for desperate measures. We were hoping to keep this stretch van for its Right-ful place in the Republican Party Museum that we hear they are going to need very soon, but received a fax that slot has been reserved for the egg splashed 2001 Bush Presidential Inaugural limo.

Your ticket could win this much coveted historic set of prized wheels. Get your tickets without Delay!

*All ideas for more defense fundraising would be greatly appreciated.

August 16, 2007

M.C. Rove - Family Man!

Brilliant, talented, and just ooooozin' with soul!

Ch-ch-ch-check out M.C. Rove!

by the amazing Mark Fiore

August 15, 2007

The Heartbreak of Karl's Resignation

From the fine folks at UpTakeVideos we get an emotional reaction from Chuck. The statement they released says on behalf of the poor guy:

"Chuck is completely devastated by the resignation of Karl Rove".

YouTube: Karl Rove Resigns - Reaction

We feel for you Chuck and share your heart felt, heart broken, heart wrenching views. Most of us had the exact same reaction as you did when we heard the incredulous shocking news. Buck up there big fella and donate to his Rove Legal Defense Fund Trust today!

August 14, 2007

Testing: Exit Stage Right

I'm still so freaked out Karl is gone! Oh what will we do?
I just can't think straight, losing my mind. Who tells us what to do now?
(Friends of Karl)

August 13, 2007

Karl Rove Resigns Presser

Karl Rove has resigned. Here is the YouTube presser if you missed this huge blow to the White House and Dubya.

YouTube: Karl Rove Resigns! Press Conference